Shanghai Forerunner Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is on the list of 2023

Time:2023-06-25 View:502

Shanghai Forerunner Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is on the list of 2023 "Future Medical VB 100 and 2023 TOP100 Innovative Medical Devices published by VBDDATA.CN

"Future Medical VB 100 Selection"

Founded in 2015, the Future Medical VB 100 List is the first list of innovative medical care fields for unlisted enterprises in China, which is launched by VB100, VBDDATA.CN and VCbeat Research Institute. It aims to select innovative medical care providers in China who truly represent future medical care, discover the core strength of China's future medical care industry, and promote the innovation and reform process of health care industry.

 In the past seven years, the selection system of the top 100 future medical institutions has been continuously enriched, and a global innovative medical health evaluation ecology for enterprises, investment institutions and industrial parks has been gradually formed, and it has gradually expanded to innovative products and technologies.

After seven years of practice and exploration, the ""Future Medical VB 100 Lists and Awards" has been strongly supported and affirmed by many investment institutions and enterprises, and has become an investment vane in the medical and health field, leading the development and investment trend in the medical and health innovation field in China at present and in the future, and providing reference for subsequent financing of innovative enterprises.

In 2023, the selection of the Future Medical VB 100 consists of the main list of the Future Medical VB 100, the innovation list of listed companies, the PengCheng Award, the WeiLan Award and the Value Area Award. The list and awards of the 2023 Future Medical VB 100 Series were publicly released at the 2023 Future Medical VB 100 Conference.